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Batum airport is a modern and well-equipped hub, offering travelers a convenient and comfortable experience when flying to or from the city. With its cutting-edge infrastructure, the airport serves as a gateway to this beautiful Black Sea destination, making it an ideal choice for travelers both for business and pleasure. There are two terminals installed in the airport that serve both domestic and international flights and provide passengers with a wide range of facilities, ensuring their comfort and convenience.

The airport offers free Wi-Fi access throughout the entire facility, allowing passengers to stay connected while they wait for their flights. A number of restaurants, cafes, and stores are also conveniently located within the airport, providing passengers with ample dining and shopping options. In addition, the airport features modern technology and security systems, ensuring a smooth and safe travel experience for all passengers.

The airport also prides itself on being accessible for people with disabilities, including ramps, elevators, and other amenities that make it easy for everyone to navigate and get around. The airport provides a number of important destinations for travelers looking to explore some of Georgia's most exciting cities and attractions, including Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batum and Moscow.

In conclusion, Batum airport provides travelers with a modern, comfortable and efficient hub, perfect for conducting business or discovering the beauty of the Georgian coastline. With its top-notch facilities, advanced technology and security systems, the airport is a top choice for anyone looking to experience one of the most vibrant destinations in the region. Whether you're looking to connect with colleagues or explore new destinations, Batum airport is the perfect starting point for your journey.